Metals – Philippines nickel ore output rises
The latest data from the Philippines Mines Bureau shows that domestic nickel ore output climbed 40% YoY to 16.9 million dmt in 1H23 with most mines reporting output. The bureau said that 25 of the 33 operating mines reported production for the above-mentioned period. Domestic output is expected to pick up further as four mining projects are all set to start operations from this year through to 2025.
In mine supply, recent official data shows that copper output at Zambia’s Mopani mines fell to 14.9kt in 1H23 on rising costs and falling output, compared to 20kt in the same period last year. Zambia's state-owned ZCCM took control of Mopani from Glencore in 2021, although it is now searching for new investors to take over the mine assets.